Ketoprak. Ketoprak consists of sliced fried tofu, steamed rice cake (lontong or ketupat), sliced cabbage and cucumber, bihun (thin rice vermicelli), bean sprouts, served in peanut sauce, topped with krupuk and fried shallots. The fried tofu can be considered as the centerpiece of the dish, since it is freshly fried directly after customer placed their order, to ensure its freshness and hotness. Ketoprak is a traditional Indonesian street food dish that's often described as tofu salad.
Ketoprak (Javanese: kethoprak) is a theatrical genre of Java featuring actors who may also sing to the accompaniment of the gamelan.
It draws its stories from Javanese history and romances and in this differs from wayang wong, which shares with wayang kulit a repertoire drawn from the Hindu epics Mahabharata and Ramayana, as well as from ludruk which uses contemporary settings and the three.
The defining feature of a ketoprak is the use of vermicelli, and that most of the salad ingredients are cooked (other than cucumber).
Lagi mencari inspirasi resep ketoprak yang unik? Cara membuatnya memang tidak terlalu sulit namun tidak gampang juga. Jika salah mengolah maka hasilnya akan hambar dan justru cenderung tidak enak. Padahal ketoprak yang enak harusnya sih punya aroma dan cita rasa yang bisa memancing selera kita.
Banyak hal yang sedikit banyak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas rasa dari ketoprak, pertama dari jenis bahan, lalu pemilihan bahan segar, sampai cara mengolah dan menghidangkannya. Tak perlu pusing jika ingin menyiapkan ketoprak enak di mana pun anda berada, karena asal sudah tahu triknya maka hidangan ini dapat jadi suguhan spesial.
Ketoprak consists of sliced fried tofu, steamed rice cake (lontong or ketupat), sliced cabbage and cucumber, bihun (thin rice vermicelli), bean sprouts, served in peanut sauce, topped with krupuk and fried shallots. The fried tofu can be considered as the centerpiece of the dish, since it is freshly fried directly after customer placed their order, to ensure its freshness and hotness. Ketoprak is a traditional Indonesian street food dish that's often described as tofu salad.
Nah, kali ini kita coba, yuk, siapkan ketoprak sendiri di rumah. Tetap dengan bahan sederhana, hidangan ini dapat memberi manfaat untuk membantu menjaga kesehatan tubuhmu sekeluarga. Anda dapat menyiapkan Ketoprak memakai 13 bahan dan 4 langkah pembuatan. Berikut ini langkah-langkah untuk membuat hidangannya.
Bahan-bahan dan bumbu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyiapkan Ketoprak:
- Sediakan Isian.
- Sediakan Bihun.
- Gunakan 2 Tahu putih, goreng.
- Ambil Ketupat atau lontong.
- Gunakan Bumbu kacang.
- Sediakan 75 gr kacang goreng.
- Gunakan 2 siung bawang putih.
- Siapkan 4 buah cabe rawit merah.
- Ambil Secukupnya gula merah.
- Ambil Secukupnya garam.
- Sediakan 1 sdt air asam jawa.
- Gunakan 3 sdm kecap manis.
- Sediakan secukupnya Air matang.
Resep lain : Bagaimana Menyiapkan Resep Bolu kukus tepung ubi jalar ungu keju yang Lezat Tips Anti Gagal
I will be featuring other Indonesian salads in the future, so stay tuned. ♥ To make a ketoprak, you will need to do a bit of deep frying. Ketoprak is a simple street vegetarian dish from Jakarta, Indonesia, that tastes mostly of peanuts and spice but is chockfull of carbohydrates. This dish consists of tofu, gado-gado, pecel, vegetables and rice cake, rice vermicelli served in peanut sauce. Ketoprak is an authentic Indonesian dish made with vegetables, tofu and rice vermicelli served with peanut sauce.
Cara menyiapkan Ketoprak:
- Haluskan kacang, bawang putih, cabe rawit, air asam jawa, gula merah, dan garam..
- Tambahkan air sesuai dengan kekentalan bumbu yang diinginkan. Aduk kembali hingga rata.
- Masukkan kecap dan aduk kembali.
- Tata isian di atas piring, siram bumbu kacang di atasnya. Tambahkan kerupuk dan/atau irisan timun.
It is traditionally plant-based and a common dish to find in the streets of Jakarta. Ketoprak is a vegetarian dish from Jakarta, Indonesia, consists of tofu, vegetables and rice cake, rice vermicelli served in peanut sauce. Ketoprak at Bali Café "The food presentation are among the best for Indonesian restaurant from Los Angeles to East Coast cities ( New York & Philadelphia )But too bad some of their best recommendations were flatly not good such as the Nasi… What is Ketoprak? Ketoprak is a traditional salad from the Jakarta area with main ingredients lontong/ ketupat, beansprouts, rice vermicelli, and tofu. Its dressing is made with garlicky and spicy peanut sauce.
Bagaimana? Gampang kan? Itulah cara membuat ketoprak yang bisa Anda praktikkan di rumah. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba!
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