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Cara Gampang Membuat Resep MC's home made hash browns yang Sempurna Tips Anti Gagal


MC's home made hash browns. Top-Produkte für die Küche zu Spitzenpreisen. Kostenlose Lieferung möglich As Chlebowski lays it out, each method has its purpose: baking is best for making McDonald's-style hash browns in bulk and shallow-frying is the best option if you just want to get one from frozen to edible in a hurry, but deep-frying is the method of choice if taste is your top priority. I also made eggs and toast with it yumm!! :chef.

MC's home made hash 
browns Fry them on high heat and voila! When the copycat McDonald's hash browns are completely frozen, you can start heating the frying oil. Grab a large sauté pan and heat an inch of vegetable oil over medium-high heat.

Sedang mencari inspirasi resep mc's home made hash browns yang unik? Cara membuatnya memang tidak susah dan tidak juga mudah. Kalau salah mengolah maka hasilnya akan hambar dan justru cenderung tidak enak. Padahal mc's home made hash browns yang enak seharusnya mempunyai aroma dan rasa yang bisa memancing selera kita.

Banyak hal yang sedikit banyak mempengaruhi kualitas rasa dari mc's home made hash browns, mulai dari jenis bahan, selanjutnya pemilihan bahan segar, hingga cara mengolah dan menyajikannya. Tak perlu pusing jika hendak menyiapkan mc's home made hash browns enak di mana pun anda berada, karena asal sudah tahu triknya maka hidangan ini bisa menjadi suguhan istimewa.

Top-Produkte für die Küche zu Spitzenpreisen. Kostenlose Lieferung möglich As Chlebowski lays it out, each method has its purpose: baking is best for making McDonald's-style hash browns in bulk and shallow-frying is the best option if you just want to get one from frozen to edible in a hurry, but deep-frying is the method of choice if taste is your top priority. I also made eggs and toast with it yumm!! :chef.

Nah, kali ini kita coba, yuk, variasikan mc's home made hash browns sendiri di rumah. Tetap dengan bahan sederhana, sajian ini dapat memberi manfaat untuk membantu menjaga kesehatan tubuhmu sekeluarga. Anda bisa menyiapkan MC's home made hash browns memakai 14 jenis bahan dan 13 tahap pembuatan. Berikut ini cara dalam membuat hidangannya.

Bahan-bahan dan bumbu yang dibutuhkan untuk pembuatan MC's home made hash browns:

  1. Ambil hash browns.
  2. Sediakan 1/2 green pepper.
  3. Ambil 1/2 tomato.
  4. Ambil 4 dash pepper.
  5. Ambil 4 dash salt.
  6. Ambil 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil.
  7. Siapkan 5 cup water.
  8. Sediakan 1 large pot.
  9. Siapkan 1 medium skillit.
  10. Gunakan 1 strainer.
  11. Sediakan 1 bladed sharp knife.
  12. Siapkan 7 medium potatoes.
  13. Ambil 1 medium onion.
  14. Siapkan 1/2 medium green pepper.

Resep lain : Cara Mudah Menyiapkan Resep Pindang Ikan Patin yang Lezat Tips Anti Gagal

You can use any high-temperature frying oil, like canola oil and peanut oil, or you can use beef tallow or pork lard. Take small handfuls of your McDonald's hash brown mixture, and in the palm of your hand make it into the desired shape. Gently place each hash brown into the pan and turn the heat down to medium. Peel potatoes and cut into thirds.

Cara menyiapkan MC's home made hash browns:

  1. place potatoes and water in large pot with 2 dashes of salt, boil potatoes for 25 mins covered.
  2. cut up onion, green pepper and tomato set to the side.
  3. let potatoes cool , enough to where you can touch them.
  4. peel potatoes.
  5. shred up/cut potato into thin long strips.
  6. combine potatoes and green pepper,onion and tomato into small pattys.
  7. put olive oil in med skillit.
  8. turn on low heat.
  9. place pattys in skillit.
  10. cook so that bottom gets crispy, then flip.
  11. cook other side untill crispy.
  12. repeat steps 6-11 unrolled all pattys are done.
  13. enjoy!!:).

Boil potato segments for eight minutes and let cool. Grate potatoes into a medium-sized bowl. Add egg, cornstarch, and a pinch of salt. These shredded potato hash brown patties are prepared so they're fluffy on the inside and crispy and toasty on the outside. Pair our Hash Browns with your favorites McDonald's Breakfast MenuItems.

Gimana nih? Gampang kan? Itulah cara menyiapkan mc's home made hash browns yang bisa Anda lakukan di rumah. Selamat mencoba!

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