Cloud bread. Cloud bread is soft and fluffy - like a cloud! It's a great substitute for 'regular' bread and is low in carbs. Although it's not firm enough to replace bread in a regular sandwich, I like to top one 'slice' with peanut butter and bananas, toast it with jam or with my favorite lunch meat and fillings!
The rounds will rise and fall a bit during the bake, but they don't run and flatten only slightly depending on how long you whipped the whites.
Cloud bread sounds like an amazing fluffy carb that's as pillowy as the clouds themselves.
But the alluring name is only one reason why the three-ingredient recipe is trending on TikTok and social.
Anda sedang mencari ide resep cloud bread yang unik? Cara membuatnya memang susah-susah gampang. Jika salah mengolah maka hasilnya akan hambar dan bahkan tidak sedap. Padahal cloud bread yang enak selayaknya punya aroma dan rasa yang mampu memancing selera kita.
Cloud bread is soft and fluffy - like a cloud! It's a great substitute for 'regular' bread and is low in carbs. Although it's not firm enough to replace bread in a regular sandwich, I like to top one 'slice' with peanut butter and bananas, toast it with jam or with my favorite lunch meat and fillings!
Ada beberapa hal yang sedikit banyak mempengaruhi kualitas rasa dari cloud bread, pertama dari jenis bahan, kedua pemilihan bahan segar sampai cara membuat dan menghidangkannya. Tak perlu pusing jika ingin menyiapkan cloud bread yang enak di rumah, karena asal sudah tahu triknya maka hidangan ini bisa menjadi sajian spesial.
Nah, kali ini kita coba, yuk, ciptakan cloud bread sendiri di rumah. Tetap dengan bahan sederhana, sajian ini bisa memberi manfaat dalam membantu menjaga kesehatan tubuhmu sekeluarga. Anda dapat membuat Cloud bread menggunakan 4 bahan dan 4 tahap pembuatan. Berikut ini cara dalam membuat hidangannya.
Bahan-bahan dan bumbu yang dibutuhkan dalam menyiapkan Cloud bread:
- Siapkan 2 putih telor.
- Gunakan 2 sdm gula pasir.
- Sediakan 1/2 sdm tepung maizena.
- Sediakan Pewarna makanan.
Resep lain : Cara Sederhana Membuat Resep Ayam Kecap (Topping Mie Ayam) yang Lezat Tips Anti Gagal
Whisk together egg whites in a bowl until frothy, then add sugar and corn starch and whisk until mixture forms peaks. You can make a keto-friendly cloud bread, too. It skips the sugar and corn starch, but incorporates the egg yolks. Separate egg whites from yolks into two medium glass bowls.
Cara membuat Cloud bread:
- Kocok putih telor sampai berbusa, masukkan gula pasir. Kocok sampe kaku (soft peak).
- Masukkan tepung maizena, aduk sampai rata.
- Tambahkan pewarna aduk sampai rata.
- Oven dg api atas bawah, panas 150 derajat selama 20 menit.
Add cream of tartar and salt to egg. Separate the eggs very carefully, there must be no yolk in the white. Cloud bread has always been known as a low-carb alternative to traditional bread, and since its cornstarch base is derived from the crop itself, it's also naturally free of gluten. Keto cloud bread, also known as oopsie bread, is a low carb bread replacement that has a light and airy texture. It requires no flour to make - not even low carb flours like almond or coconut.
Bagaimana? Mudah bukan? Itulah cara menyiapkan cloud bread yang bisa Anda lakukan di rumah. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba!
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